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AMEX Lowers Our APR and Refunds 3 Months Interest

Husband called today to ask about the interest rate on his AMEX card. It has been pretty high for a while because he would pay late occasionally until he set up automatic bill pay for the minimum amount. After a minimal amount of nagging, husband called to ask them to lower the interest rate.

He calls and asks, “I want to find out my interest rate.” That is it. AMEX customer service goes into Defcon 1. The cs person looks at the interest rate, lowers it 10% and apologizes. Then he offers to refund the difference in interest rate for the last 3 months. The refund will be applied in 24 to 48 hours and then I will have a payoff amount for the card.

Doing a happy dance. *yay*

May 8, 2008 Posted by | Credit Cards | , , , | Leave a comment