
Saving money to pay off student loans and consumer debt

June Goal Update

Two goals attained! I just called and paid in full one student loan and added $21 to my debt snowball.

In the mail today I got a statement for the car loan. Apparently husband owes $8090.33 to the car that I hate. Oh well. I will attack it soon.

Also in the mail today I got a letter from the government saying my stimulus check is in the mail.
With all the people paying off debt I am not too sure how stimulating this plan is.

June 2, 2008 Posted by | Car Loan, Debt Snowball, Student Loans | , , | 1 Comment

Setting Goals for June

It is June, right?

My goals for June:

  1. Pay off one of my student loans and at least one of husband’s
  2. Get an accurate total of the car loan
  3. Work on reducing takeout – means meal planning
  4. Work on my laptop fund

The first two goals are pretty easy, it is the second two goals that will take some work.

Reducing takeout. Ahh takeout, the expensive way to eat dinner. I am responsible for all the meals around here that don’t involve frozen burritos. The last time the kid asked daddy to cook her pancakes while I was at the gym, daddy ruined my stainless steel pan. lol Takeout would have been cheaper than those pancakes. I do a pretty good job making everyone eat at home for a while and then some crisis hits and we are stuck in the restaurant food rut. This month I would like to limit us to 2 dinners out. This is going to be tough but you will keep me accountable, right?

The laptop fund. Both husband and I spend a significant portion of our lives on the computer. I telecommute and need my computer to bring home the bacon. Husband is working on his dissertation and spends a lot of time writing on his computer. When my laptop broke a couple of years ago I decided to buy a desktop because I could get a better machine for the money. Now I find myself wanting a laptop for various reasons, most of them kid related, but not wanting to put the thing on my credit card. So I have started a laptop envelope. Next I have to find money to put in it. Off to Craigslist.

June 2, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | | Leave a comment