
Saving money to pay off student loans and consumer debt

Saving Money on iPods

Recently I learned about a product that can be plugged into an iPod Nano called the nike+. It is a companion to a jogger that informs the runner how far she ran and it can also provide encouragement. Of course I want one but being unemployed I didn’t think it was such a responsible thing to buy. I don’t even have a Nano, only an iPod shuffle my husband bought for my last birthday.

Looking over Apple’s website, I saw they sell refurbished iPods for cheaper. There was one current generation iPod Nano for $79 in silver.  They even had shuffles for $39 although when I looked they didn’t have a pink one, like I do.

I think I will start an iPod Nano envelope to save for it. Go envelopes!

November 11, 2008 Posted by | Splurges | , , | Leave a comment